Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Jean Piaget s Theory Of Psychology And Human Intelligence

Abstract Jean Piaget was a developmental psychologist who had a heavy emphasis on children for his study. From this, he developed his Cognitive Theory which consists of three elements: schemas (building blocks of knowledge), adaptation (equilibrium, assimilation, and accommodation), and the four stages of development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational). Through this, we are able to learn of how children develop from adolescence to adulthood. Jean Piaget Jean Piaget’s Biography Jean Piaget, born on August 9, 1896, was an influential experimenter and theorist. His main interests were in the studies of developmental psychology and human intelligence. Although Piaget exhibited his interests in those†¦show more content†¦As a psychoanalysis and working in the field of pathological psychology, his job was to assist individuals in finding out who they are, or in other words, find their purpose for their living, and to find their illnesses (if they otherwise posses one). His godfather, Samuel Cornut, who is also known as the Swiss scholar, influenced Piaget. As an adolescent, Cornut influenced him to become interested in the fields of philosophy and epistemology. Not only was he interested in these fields, but he also possessed a variety of other interests such mechanics, birds, fossils, and seashells. Remarkably, he became an active scholar at such a young age. This is an obvious trait that was transferred from his mother’s intelligent skill. From this, it gave Piaget many potentials and opportunities he can utilize for his future. In the young age of ten, he has already published his first paper. Later on the years, he schooled in the University of Neuchatel in which he received his Ph. D in science at the age of 22. A year later, he finally decided to leave his hometown and moved to Valais, which is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland. There, he utilized a method called Lipps’ Statistical in conjunction with biometric studies. This was to find the function of altitude with the variability of land mollusks, such as the snail and slug. Later in the autumn, he traveled to Paris where he studied for pathological

Monday, December 16, 2019

People Judge Appearances Essay - 1208 Words

Meixner Essay #4 December 2, 2008 â€Å"A Smile Is Worth So Much More† People often judge or misperceive others appearances in a less than equal manner before they even know the true nature of the person. Every day we make assumptions by what we can see physically. Even in the supermarkets, we distinguish good products from bad products based on how they look. We are apt to choose good-looking products because they don’t have flaws, cracks, and bruises. Moreover, we assume them to have good qualities and good tastes. Actually, taste doesn’t deal with its looking. However, we bias in favor of assuming human nature. Since people judge human beings based on how they look, it is called prejudice. In fact, prejudice just disadvantage†¦show more content†¦For example, a person could be vulgar and uncouth. Many people find this kind of behavior offensive of course, but some may find it relieving that a person could be so honest to how they feel by not holding back. In the matter of being too n ice, I have found that through high school and my time in college I always have been seen as the nice guy. Everyone has always seen me as the nice person. Sometimes it is aggravating to be called that but I rather have that than some other name with a negative connotation. Some friends have introduced me to their friends as Crecencio the nice guy, which totally limits me in the very beginning of our relationship. It is true that I do care for other peoples feelings and ideas. I just try to be the best Guy that I can be, not by religion or by influence, but that is just how most Pisces are. I cannot help it; it is just how we are. That may not be the real reason, but I do not know where I get it. Being known as such a nice person also has its disadvantages on the dating scene also. I have no clue why it is, but most woman want the nice guy as just a friend for a shoulder to cry on or the friend that they can tell their most deepest and darkest secrets too. Sometimes I really a sk myself why do they do that? Who knows the real reason; every woman has a different reason for why doing this.Show MoreRelatedPhysical Appearance Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein1085 Words   |  5 PagesMarch 2015 Physical Appearance In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley shows that appearance does not represent internal character by the use of contrasting characters. Shelley uses the characters of the monster and Victor to show that looks don’t determine your personality. Physical appearance is related to internal character due to the fact that people judge on looks before anything else. Social media, making people more concerned with their looks, has influenced the importance of appearance. Different studiesRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1739 Words   |  7 PagesPeople are too quick to judge something by its first appearance: The theme that something or someone should not be judged on first appearances should be an obvious fact known to everyone. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Online Dating The Old World Idea Of Matchmaking With Modern Day Technology Essay Example For Students

Online Dating : The Old World Idea Of Matchmaking With Modern Day Technology Essay Online dating combines the old world idea of matchmaking with modern-day technology and internet accessibility. While a shadchanit s (matchmaker s) field of influence was limited to her village or maybe one close by, matches are now available all over the world. That being said, the Shadchanit had a clear advantage over modern-day matchmaking. She knew the families she was working with. In fact everyone knew everyone in the Shtetl. Online matchmaking involves connecting with people neither you nor any of your family members have ever met. This leaves a lot of the Shadchanit s legwork up to you. The whole experience might seem daunting, but it s readily mastered by utilizing a few helpful tips and precautions. ABOUT THEMFirst, don t go crazy over pictures. Pictures are often photo shopped, and even if the person is really as good-looking as they seem, that s not what this is all about. It s very easy to try to move beyond your dating range online. After all, while that gorgeous jock or cheerleader never gave you a chance to show how brilliant you were in high school or college, an awesome profile might just turn that scenario around online. However, that handsome prince or princess might just be a frog in disguise, and the rather bookish looking nebbish you pass by, could very well be the love of your life. Does the prospect come across as intelligent, funny or kind? Focus on the tease of what lies inside the box instead of just its fancy wrapping paper. A good rule of thumb is not to behave in a way differently than you would in a face-to-face scenario. Would you go to a single bar and only express interest in people who were dead ringers for your favorite movie stars, or would you likely be a little less pick. . ike personal identification documents or the places you live or work.2. Make sure a friend or family member knows where you are going, and who you are going with. This is vital.3. Arrange to meet for a daytime activity in a public place. Lunch, coffee, or an afternoon visit to a museum are ideal first date activities.4. Don t allow this person to come to your home to pick you up for the date.5. Make sure you bring your phone with you.6. Supply your own transportation.7. Be conservative; don t drink too much.If things just aren t clicking, its ok to simply cut your losses and move on. Hanging in there when you know there isn t a love or even friend connection is a waste of both you and the other person s time.With an open mind, and a few precautions, online dating is a great experience. Keep it light, fun, and enjoy the dating!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Whistle blowing an Example by

Whistle blowing Whistle blowing is a topic of interest because it pertains to contemporary issues often kept in secrecy, privacy and confidentiality, all to the detriment of the society or the organization. While whistle blowing is feared and is a subject which many are not willing to talk about, indeed, it is the high time that the society acknowledged the role of whistle blowing in identifying and bringing into open cases of gross misconduct amongst either employees or government officials. Need essay sample on "Whistle blowing" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Whistle blowing creates room for those in low positions to have a chance to express themselves and particularly to bring into the open issues which are deliberately kept away from the public. In that way, whistleblowers are able to face those in authority who often act in an offensive manner because they believe they are not vulnerable. By highlighting incidences of violation of the law, whistle blowers in organizations promote good ethics which requires that employees whether senior staff or at the bottom line, hold on to integrity, honesty and accountability. Indeed, whistle blowing in as far as business ethic is concerned, is a show of accountability and integrity given the fact that some issues if not laid open to public scrutiny can lead to the collapse of organizations. Students Usually Tell EssayLab support: Who wants to write essay for me? Essay writers advise: Winning Academic Essay Writing Delivered On Time Cheap Custom Essays Pay For Essay Cheap Grab My Essay Review Best Essay Writing Company Often, issues that cause whistleblowers to come out in the open and highlight gross misconduct as well as violation of issues such as work safety, professional code of conduct, fraud as well as discrimination at work, are what encompass the act of whistleblowing. Therefore it is evident that whistle blowing is part and parcel of maintenance of corporate responsibility. There are some cases whereby organizations do not have in-built systems to check against violations against employees. In such cases, it is whistleblowing that is tasked with the responsibility of identifying issues that are a threat to public good. Were it not for whistleblowing, issues such as fraudulent reporting, underreporting as well as financial misconduct, which is orchestrated by top management, would end up bringing down organizations. But thanks to whistle blowing, issues can be brought into the open either to people at authority such as managers or government officials before a great amount of damage is done. Both internal and external forms of whistle blowing enable violations against the public or employees to be scrutinized and possibly to cease. Although most organizations have internal systems, which play a role similar to that of whistleblowing, such internal systems are often incapable of controlling top management as long as it is bent on committing violations. Such in-built systems, which supplement efforts of whistleblowing, include auditors roles, which can bring into the open gross misconduct and violations of procedures in an organization. There have been ethical concerns surrounding the topic of whistleblowing. This includes challenges which whistle blowers face. In most cases, most people are torn between sympathizing with the organization, which suffers from negative publicity occasioned by allega tions by whistle blowers. There is a debate on whether it is moral to spill the beans, an action which portends the danger of one being terminated from employment. It takes great risk to go on with plans of whistleblowing considering challenges and potential for prosecution. It is also ethically debatable on whether it is morally right for employers to sack or engage in actions of victimization towards whistleblowers. Also, of ethical concern, is what is at stake if one goes ahead with plans to do whistleblowing. Another ethical issue which comes to form when considering whether to go ahead with whistle blowing or not is the danger one is putting to the immediate family and friends who stand to suffer if the action of whistleblowing backfires and as a result the whistleblower ends up in prison and is therefore seen as a villain. Whistleblowing therefore, has a lot of ethical and moral implications for the whistleblower and a great deal of the good and the bad resulting from whistleblowing poses a great dilemma to employees. Equally challenging is the fact that whistleblowers are involved in a legal tussle before they can prove their case. Again, this raises ethical questions as to how appropriate and beneficial it is for an employee to undertake whistleblowing. Generally, advantages of whistleblowing in terms of moral right outdo the advantages of not whistleblowing considering that many people are suffering in organizations and in other institutions from injustices such as racial discrimination, religious discrimination as well as discrimination on the basis of national origin and gender. Therefore, as long as whistleblowing helps fight the vices in the society, then it must be viewed as ethically correct since it upholds morality. In conclusion, whistleblowing has become a highly publicized concept given a lot of media coverage. The fact that most whistleblowers especially in terms of whistleblowing depend on the media and publicity to prove their case is a demonstration that the media plays a very important role in advancing the cause of whistleblowers. As evidenced by the frequency in which whistleblowing is given coverage in current events in the news, whistleblowing is important if the wrongs, which go on behind doors in offices, are to be brought to the fore. Reference Miethe, Terance, D. 1991. Whistleblowing At Work: Tough Choices in exposing Fraud, Waste and Abuse on the Job. Westview Press. William, H. Shaw and Vincent Barry.2007. Moral Issues in Business 10th ed. Belmont, California: Wadsworth. Whistle blowing an Example by Whistle blowing Whistle blowing is becoming more and more common in the workplaces. The reason is because of many unethical and immoral practices that are within the workplaces. The intentions for whistle blowing are both positive and negative, but mostly whistle blowers do it because a situation raises concern and serious measures need to be taken against it. Whistle blowing has become very effective in revealing immoralities and behaviors that pose danger to the employees at the workplace. (Hunt, 1995) However, it is usually done in private and public organizations and especially if the management denies the employees freedom of expression or if their grievances are not looked into immediately. Therefore whistle blowers do this to coerce the government or the senior managers to address issues that interfere with the well being of the employees. Most whistle blowers are those employees in junior positions who usually are not in a position to access senior authority. (Hunt, 1995) Need essay sample on "Whistle blowing" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Pros and Cons of Whistle blowing There are various advantages and disadvantages of whistle blowing. One of the advantages of whistle blowing is that it exposes an organization which poses health risks to its employees in terms of conducive working environment. The whistle blower protects the rights of employees if for instance he/she secretly reports the management to Human Rights commission, and actions are taken against the management of such an organization. (Hunt, 1995) The industrial and labor requirements may be employed to improve the situation and thus better the working conditions of the workers. (Hunt, 1995)Another advantage of whistle blowing is that it compels the companies and major corporations to comply with rules and regulations that champion the rights of employees. Whistle blowing, is more common if the information being revealed has to do with immorality. For example, bosses who demand sexual favors from their female employees and in the event they refuse they threaten them with a sack. This trend is warring and whistle blowing ha come to save the situation. (Hunt, 1995) Bosses nowadays fear engaging in morally or unethically acceptable behavior. Whistle blowing has minimized oppression against the employees for example overworking them, and violence in the workplace. Whistle blowing is also believed to be the most effective way of airing a problem that is raising serious concern for the employees and the degree of the whistle blower being taken seriously is also high. (Hunt, 1995) Whistle blowing however, has its own disadvantages. For instance it becomes hard to differentiate a whistle blower and a gossip. Many employees actually engage in gossip thinking that actually they are raising moral and ethical concerns. As a result if such information is not disseminated well to the senior authorities, the whistle blower may be assumed to be spreading malicious gossip with an intention of revenging. (Hunt, 1995) There is normally no way of knowing whether the whistle blower is telling the truth or not if there is no tangible evidence to support his concerns. Another challenge of whistle blowing is that the person whistle blowing must be a professional and should not be tainted so that he/she can be believed by the authority. In addition a person can be prosecuted by the corporation or the company that he or she is working for, if they are able to prove that he/she has divulged information believed to be confidential and that he failed to compliy with the rules and r egulations of the company. It is hard to determine whether the information that has been given out has serious moral and ethical concerns. In some cases, the authority is not able to determine whether the information given to them should be acted on or not because they fear that they might be interfering with the operations of the organization. (Hunt, 1995) Whistle blowing has an effect of creating tension at the workplace and it thus might interfere with the employees performance. Too much care is exercised which instills anxiety among the employees. If a boss senses that his actions are likely to be reported to the senior authority, he/she may resign and the burden left may fall on unsuspecting colleagues. (Hunt, 1995) A whistle blower is likely to be isolated at the workplace if he/she discovered. People might fear that they will be reported for almost all mistakes they make. The person is viewed as a gossip and therefore may lack friends at the workplace. This is because he/she cannot be trusted with any type of information. Whistle blowers may report incidents to the wrong person and thus the information is likely to be used against them. The information is likely to be twisted and distorted and thus it may not achieve the intended goal. However, rules are being put in place to protect the claims of whistle blowers. (Hunt, 1995) There are a number of companies worldwide who employ whistle blowing services provided by selected companies to enhance the effect of the reports. For example, there are special helpline services for whistle blowers. The major setback with helpline services is that someone may make a plank all and hide his/her identity and thus the information given out will be questionable and not based on facts and truth. The governments have been streamlining helpline services to increase their efficiency. (Hunt, 1995) Conclusion It is worth to note that employees and other people are more likely to blow the whistle today than they would have done seven years ago. Almost ten years ago whistle blowers were believed to be traitors and branded misfit. Nowadays, many people make calls or go personally to the organizations concerned. (Hunt, 1995)The people have come to realize that if they ignore and discourage whistle blowers, they will be doing it at their own peril. Most the issues being reported on are financial misconduct and safety risks. Both the issues constitute an average of thirty percent calls each. There has been double increase in issues and concerns related to double standards and trading. The care sector has also recorded the same number of calls. This trend has compelled many companies to clean their acts for fear of being exposes. However, the claims which are made are not released in full detailed before a decision is made. Efforts have been made to incorporate whistle blowing to become an impor tant part of companys risk management. Plans are also underway to ensure laws on whistle blowing and practice are put in place and enforced by the law. The act of whistle blowing is being given a totally different approach and laws are also being put in place to protect whistle blowers. (Hunt, 1995) References Hunt, G (1995). Whistleblowing In The Social Sevices: Public Accountability & Professional Practice. Arnold