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Engage In Personal Development In Health And Social Care Free Essays

string(99) " I think my actions were a little too defensive and I didn’t put his feelings before my own\." Research two different reflective models. Examples are Gibbs, Kola and Christopher Johns. Briefly describe and compare them. We will write a custom essay sample on Engage In Personal Development In Health And Social Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now Looked at all three reflective models and chose to describe Johns and Kola. The Johns model is very in-depth and seems to target a wider area of thought and contemplation. It would also be a good tool to discuss with another more senior member of staff, who would have their own emotional response to each situation, therefore giving you a slightly different outcome. This would be ideal when paving supervision or discussing an incident in an objective manner. The start Of the model really gets into the way in which you are feeling and this can dramatically change the outcome of the reflection that is taking place. I think that this is a type of grounding, a way of getting into the present moment and making you more mindful of the situation in hand. This is different from the Kola model because you have to look at yourself first, which is very beneficial. The Gibbs model is slightly less descriptive and a little shorter but it still offers a way of transforming information into knowledge, which is needed, so we an learn more about the client or situation that we are reflecting on. The Kola model starts with observations and reflections and finishes with concrete experience. Concrete experience is what we strive for to make us grow as support workers. In my opinion the main comparison between the two is that the Johns model is better for personal development within ourselves and the Kola model is better for a greater knowledge about those we work with. 2. Decide which one you prefer. Explain why. Prefer the Johns model because it focuses more on the way that we are feeling in the here and now. This can have a massive impact on a situation in the work place because it allows us to view others and ourselves. Reacting positively to a negative situation is not always easy, so having a degree of emotional intelligence can go in the favor of all parties concerned. I like learning more about clients and how can make my role go more smoothly but I think that having knowledge about oneself and I how I react to things will be more beneficial to me personally. 3. Consider a task that you have recently completed at work, which has not gone so well. This could be : Manual handling. Communication. Challenging behavior. Falls. Using your preferred model of reflection, describe what happened, what went wrong, what went right, what you could do differently next time? Was asleep and I heard shouting coming from upstairs. I checked my watch and it was just before am. Went upstairs and discovered that the noise was coming from a clients room. I asked if he was K and I was asked to go away in a not so polite tone or wording. I asked the client to keep the noise down, as he would wake the other clients within the house, to which I got the same response. I felt a little put back by this, as the client wasn’t provoked in any ay, he was just taking his mood out on me. I also felt protective about the other clients because of how they would be feeling about the shouting too. The client is a drug user and when under the influence can behave in an aggressive way to the other clients, which can make them anxious, so again had to ask him to stop shouting. I was then verbally abused, which ignored, as it wasn’t positive. I made my way downstairs, as the situation wasn’t getting any better. The client then came downstairs and Went into the kitchen. He lit up a cigarette in the lounge, which is against our house rules, so asked him o go outside. He then walked up to me and put his face into mine, asking me to lay the first punch. I had no choice but to lock myself into the staff room and call my manger and the police. I went outside to get a better signal and the client walked outside through another door. He had his top off and again came into my personal space and repeated what he had said minutes before. It was a little scary because as a support worker am not allowed to defend myself unless there is an attack. I started to think about my daughter and what would happen if he became violent. Managed to get back into the souse and the client came back in. He got to the other side of the staff door and was threatening to kill me. By this time was on the phone to 999, so they heard everything, as I asked him to repeat what he said to me. The police arrived shortly afterwards and he was arrested. Think the most significant thing was that I should have left his door after his first reply to me. I put the clients feelings first but they were safe in their rooms and wasn’t. I left myself open to attack at the top of the stairs. I was quite tired and not really thinking correctly but this is no excuse. Next time ill just call our emergency mobile or the police first, so I have a back up. Getting him to repeat his threat worked well, as it highlighted to the police his intent, so when he got arrested the other clients were out of danger and so was I. My intention when first got up that morning was not to get him arrested it was just to ask him to stop shouting. He is a great guy when he is not under the influence and I wish that had reminded him about this at the time. I think my actions were a little too defensive and I didn’t put his feelings before my own. 4. Why is it important to reflect in this way? It is important reflect in this way because the whole process helps us to grow in our roles and become better at what we do. At times we can think in an entirely different way that may not be objective to the task in hand, so reflection can give us hindsight to see a more positive outcome, which at the time seemed negative. Am a parent too, so a little reflection time can teach me things about myself or my child that might have been missed on a first encounter. Our knowledge can greatly increase as we reflect on and in practice. We can understand more about the clients, colleagues and gain an increased understanding of situations that wouldn’t normally have been thought of in our working day because of other emotional diversions. The importance of reflection is increased ten fold when in a managerial position because every member of staff has a unique personality and pleasing everybody is never an easy task. A manager must take time out and reflect on how he handled situations, meetings and many other duties, which require perfecting for future use. . What are your responsibilities and those of your employer to ensure your practice is current? My employer has a responsibility to make sure that we are operating within the law. There are certain acts and regulations, which have to be adhered to under government legislation. It is the employers duty to inform staff when any updates to the legislation has been made, so that the employee can be up to date. Employers have the responsibility for health and safety the workplace and to make sure that we are all working under current risk assessments. The employer has a duty of care to all staff members to many things including Making the workplace safe Preventing risks to health Ensuring safe working practices Providing first aid facilities Providing PEP if necessary Reporting accidents and many more It is an employee’s contractual responsibility to be up to date with all legislation, policies and procedures. We have responsibility for our own health and safety at work, so we must refuse something that would be deemed as unsafe. If we think our employer isn’t meeting responsibilities we must speak to them about it. If this fails then we must contact they local authorities to safeguard ourselves. 6. What does the legislation say? The legislation is made up of acts that companies must adhere to. These include; Care act 2014 Health and safety act 1974 Mental health act 1983 Data protection act 1 998 COACH act 1994 7. Complete a SOOT analysis and a CUP form. SOOT Analysis Form. Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful Internal Origin (attributes of the organization) Strengths Strong team members with lots of experience. High levels of communication Weaknesses Under staffed at times due to sickness, which causes stress to team members. Arguing amongst team members and not giving 100% External Origin (attributes of the environment) Opportunities Outside agencies becoming partners with Maples. Annular, PDP and Second Step The retreats Government cutbacks. Increased pressure for reduction in care and costing. Continuing Personal Development Form Key Dates What did you do? Why? What did you learn from this? How will this be used? 04/11/2014 Dual Diagnosis Training For the last 2 years there has been in increase in the amount of clients that join our service with a history of drug use. I went on the course to increase my knowledge of mental illness and drug related disorders. Gained insight into different types of drugs, the effects and what to look out for when dealing with our higher risk clients. Putting my knowledge into action by observing clients when at work and supporting them accordingly. 0/07/2014 Understanding Personality Disorder Training Again we have been taking on more clients with personality disorders. I attended the course to increase my knowledge base. Personality disorder is a term that is used when a client is doesn’t fit certain criteria for other mental disorders. It is unique to the client, so it may change on a daily basis. Putting my knowledge into action by observing clients when at work and supporting them accordingly. 12/05/2014 Safeguarding Adults Alerter Training It has been over two years since my last course, so an update was needed. I as reminded of types of abuse, what to look out for and how to report incidents in the workplace. It will support me with my working day and help keep me vigilant of any safeguarding issues. 8. How do your personal values and strengths affect your practice? My personal values and strengths have a massive impact on my working life. I have had the pleasure of being raised in a family where good manners and empathy have great importance. I am honest and work hard and sometimes relay this to the clients when they are looking for voluntary work or other activities that will give them life skills. I am very clean and tidy and again I try to lead the clients by example by showing them how much pleasure can be taken from doing a good job. Work in a house sometimes, which has a lot of younger clients and all now take great pride in completing house jobs that I have taught them. When a client comes to the service with a little amount of life skills and they leave with a few more it makes me happy to think that I have supported them to be like that. Like to give lots of praise when a good job is done, as I feel it is important for the client to feel good about himself or herself. I am very happy with who I am and what I stand for and in think it is equally important for the clients to feel this way too. Sometimes the clients can be stigmatize for their illness but if they have self respect, honesty and some politeness it can carry them a long way. I think my values have carried me forward on most occasions, not all but most. 9. Who gives you feedback on your own performance? I have a fortnightly supervision session with my manager and an annual appraisal too. Every week we discuss issues with clients, staff, safeguarding, health and safety and other subjects. It gives you the opportunity to look at past situations again and look into ways of improving them. This isn’t always the case but it can come up from time to time. Also accept feedback from other staff members during staff meetings and other types of handover. Feedback from clients is always helpful too, as you can adjust your working procedure if it isn’t positive to the client involved. The management team usually speak to the clients and then this is discussed during supervision or at an appraisal. 10. How do you use the feedback to improve your performance? Think feedback is Very important because it helps us to view ourselves from different angle, which is important because sometimes we can get caught up in a pattern, which may not be suitable to those that we are working with. Feedback can be negative, positive or just neutral. Negative feedback can cause a mass of emotions and defensiveness, if not correctly handled. Where positive feedback could make you over confident and cause carelessness at the worst-case scenario. If get feedback I will take it away, reflect on it and then try to think of ways that can utilities it, as it is a valuable commodity, good or bad. Like to think of everyday being a school day, as we never stop earning. We learn from the clients, we learn from staff and we even learn from ourselves. Take feedback as a learning tool especially if it is negative. I always learn more when have made a mistake, as this sticks in my mind more. I try not to take things personally, as this can only make matters worse. If you have made a mistake it is just best to see where the problem was and avoid that situation in the future. 1 1 . Discuss two forms of learning that you have recently completed. What did you gain from these? Have recently been on some courses; Dual diagnosis and understanding personality disorder. Both of the courses were very informative and I gained valuable insight into some areas of our ever-expanding client base. How to cite Engage In Personal Development In Health And Social Care, Papers

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